The Tailored Quill
The Tailored Quill
53. Changing jobs? Here are 3 steps to guarantee you are happy in the new job

53. Changing jobs? Here are 3 steps to guarantee you are happy in the new job

Many of you are changing jobs right now because something is missing in your old job, other than the fact that you may hate it, dread it, or are burnt out by it.  As exciting as it is to change jobs, it is a mistake to think that the clean break, grass-is-greener mindset that starting the new job will solve all of your unhappiness.  You will only bring all the underlying stress and anger and baggage with you into the new job and will remain unhappy and exhausted. 

In this episode, I walk you through a fascinating and critical 3-Step process that helps you systematically let go of the last job and healthily prepare for the new one, granting you so much peace, confidence, clarity, and empowerment as a result. 

I hope you enjoy this awesome system and that it will help you in your exciting life transition. If you would like help implementing this system in your own job change, schedule a free coaching session with me at

The Tailored Quill
The Tailored Quill
A mental health podcast that brings us back to basics on what it means to be human, how to get the most out of your life by being uniquely you, and why the most important journey you could possibly take is inward.