The Tailored Quill
The Tailored Quill
55. Self-Care Menu: the quickest way back to sanity

55. Self-Care Menu: the quickest way back to sanity

So you're stressed out, and you have some free time to go do some self-care activities and relax. The problem is that there are too many options. You think of a bunch of ideas in your head of what to go do, but you're stressed so it's hard to decide. Then you waste time overthinking and don't end up doing anything, which stresses you out even more. Worse, you didn't get to relax. 

It's hard to know what self-care to do when the time comes that you need it the most. This episode presents a simple and brilliant way to shortcut that indecision and choose the perfect form of self-care for exactly that moment. It's infinitely customizable to you, and will inspire confidence and empowerment in your ability to take care of your self and your mental health.

If this resonates with you and you'd like to make your own customized self-care menu, schedule a free coaching session with me at

The Tailored Quill
The Tailored Quill
A mental health podcast that brings us back to basics on what it means to be human, how to get the most out of your life by being uniquely you, and why the most important journey you could possibly take is inward.