The Tailored Quill
The Tailored Quill
54. Changing jobs can cause depression

54. Changing jobs can cause depression

We naturally believe that quitting an unhealthy job and starting a new job will reset our energy and we will immediately be happy and healthy. But that is not how bodies or energy works.  Similar to how we experience depression as a result of enduring stress or anxiety, we need to recover from the high amounts of negative energy we stored up in our last job. 

This episode is a cautionary tale of how switching jobs can cause depression and what you need to be aware of in order to protect yourself, your energy, and your sanity starting your new job.

If you are one of the many who is looking for a new job or going through this transition and you want to avoid the potential depression, you can schedule a free coaching session with me by going to

The Tailored Quill
The Tailored Quill
A mental health podcast that brings us back to basics on what it means to be human, how to get the most out of your life by being uniquely you, and why the most important journey you could possibly take is inward.